Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Musings on the Scriptures- A Beginning

My daily routine consists of 25-40 minutes of Gospel study in the morning (usually about 5am) so I can be off to work by 6am. I have found that if I can really delve in and study, my day is always exceptionally better. I have been impressed of late to supplement my daily study of God's word by writing some of my thoughts, helping me be able to make the study time more meaningful (thus this blog). Now I won't just post random things (I hope not anyway), but will try and think things out a bit. I was inspired by a good friend and I have borrowed (stolen) his term 'musings'; I will try to be as thoughtful as he is.

Musing (from here)
-Deep in thought; contemplative.
1. Contemplation; meditation.
2. A product of contemplation; a thought.
"an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections" (James Atlas).