Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A battle over the values encouraged by faith

While reading other things on the internet, I came accross this which puts into light the battle over some of the values which I hold dear. I am not Catholic, but I do have confidence that the Lord can lead people that have good intentions. I hope that the Cardinal electors approach this upcoming conclave without internal politics but with feeling hearts and efforts to work towards what would be best in terms of the current world situation and how the scriptures can help.

I hope they choose a good Pope, a good Pope that will help and not hinder good people.

I hope they choose a Pope that will continue to (or at least appear to) stand for life, stand for family, stand for decency, and defend the freedom of religion rather than the oppression of religion (a growing trend among the secular left).

I not only hope for these things but I pray for them.


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