By their fruits...
This morning I read about the Savior saying, “Ye shall know them by their fruits” (referenced below). This corresponded perfectly with what I have been musing on of late with my own thoughts of those who I may not like or those who I am wary of, as well as those who seem to not like me. Who don't I like? Well, really no one in particular but there are those that drive me crazy or I am wary of (see my 'praying for enemies' post). Likewise, I have seen the 'secular left' attack those of us who are religious as nothing but wakkos who believe in that we are no different than the Greeks believing in Zues or other mythology. I have also seen those who have different religious beliefs attack my faith and specifically my church. So, what is to be done? How do I overcome my own prejudices and how do others overcome their prejudices of me? Well, the answer is in the scriptures and the moral should even be accepted by the 'secular left'. It is found in several places: (Matt. 7, Luke 6, 3 Ne. 14).
For example: MATT 7
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit ; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
So, how do I look for the ‘fruits’? It can be hard in the world where we live; where appearance and public relations seem to rule. Nevertheless, I need to be more careful to look at the results of people’s actions, not just their words (not that words are not extremely important). Likewise, I hope that others look beyond the rumor mill of ideas about my beliefs and see the results in my life and those who try to live the beliefs. If our fruits are found as less than desirable, then maybe there is something to talk about.
Though I have not been specific about it, I believe this principle can be directly related to public and political life. If a program sounds good theoretically but does not produce good results, it may mean that the good theory was only a good intension but the theory itself is poor. For example, I still read/hear people say that the Soviet Union failed because of the poor implementation of socialism rather than socialism itself. Not that good principles can’t be poorly implemented, but the point is the same. The real problems of the old Soviet Empire was not the tyrannical reign that was taking place (tyrants will die or tyrannical dynasties will fail) but of the results now of a people trying to learn how to have personal responsibility when none was ever afforded to them- a direct result of the theory of socialism. A people cannot be made to be good or to work for the good of society—that must come from within. My beliefs teach me that I can learn to be good and to work for the good of others and I have hope in the fruits that those beliefs will bring to others in creating a better world. What are the fruits of your priorities?
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