"...purify unto himself a peculiar people,..."
This morning I was following some references on purity/purify in the scriptures and I came across a gem in Titus. Titus 2 is just a great little chapter extolling the characteristics Christians should be striving for in their lives. While very good that is not what caught my eye. Consider verses 13 and 14:
Titus 2
The final characteristic is interesting, "zealous of good works". Am I? Sort of. I guess that as He forgives me and I have faith in Him, I need to show Him loyalty in being zealous in good works, otherwise have I really taken His name? Have I truly accepted Him? As freely as the Lord gives grace, we can freely loose it through inaction or neglect of the spiritual.
I hope that I can do more than profess faith but be zealous in good works, having tasted the forgiveness and purification from Him, the source of all goodness.
Titus 2
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;What caught my eye first was the phrase, "purify unto himself a peculiar people." The Bible is full of references that true believers are a peculiar people but I just liked that this verse said that the Lord will purify people into a peculiar people. Part of that purification is obtaining specific characteristics; whether that is part of the purification, a result of the purification, or a precursor as we show our willingness to believe, I don't know. I imagine it is some of all three.
14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
The final characteristic is interesting, "zealous of good works". Am I? Sort of. I guess that as He forgives me and I have faith in Him, I need to show Him loyalty in being zealous in good works, otherwise have I really taken His name? Have I truly accepted Him? As freely as the Lord gives grace, we can freely loose it through inaction or neglect of the spiritual.
I hope that I can do more than profess faith but be zealous in good works, having tasted the forgiveness and purification from Him, the source of all goodness.
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